
Chiropracting at The Blossom Tree Clinic is a holistic treatment, working on alignment


What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractors are trained in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions which are due to mechanical dysfunction of the joints and their effects on the nervous system. We are best known for treating back pain but also treat pregnant mothers, newborn babies and children as well as headaches, jaw problems, shoulder, hip and knee problems.

Chiropractors use their hands to correct the joints of the spine and extremities where signs of restriction in movement are found. This improves mobility and relieves pain. The body's own healing processes (which we normally recognise in its ability to heal bruises, cuts and broken bones) will then be able to get on with the task of improving health.

Poor, inadequate or incorrect function in the spine can cause irritation of the nerves that control posture and movement. This spinal nerve stress (which may be caused by factors such as accident, poor diet, lack of exercise, poor posture and anxiety) can lead to the symptoms of discomfort and pain.

If you would like to find out more about how Chiropractic work can help support your health and any conditions you may have, please contact us.


  • Chiropractors are legally required to undertake a minimum, degree standard education culminating in a Bachelors or Masters degree. This is under the auspices of The General Chiropractic Council, with whom all chiropractors must be registered by law (he Chiropractic Act 1994) and must complete minimum CPD requirements annually.

    Steve Jones also holds the advanced qualification in SOT (Sacro-Occipital Technique) and is a Board Certified Craniopath.

  • Obviously this varies enormously with age, chronicity (how long you’ve had it) and lifestyle factors (e.g. diet and nutrition, stress etc.) An average course tends to last between 8 and 12 treatments followed by ongoing maintenance care to keep things ‘tuned up’.

  • Sacro-Occipital Technique provides excellent post graduate training in paediatrics and pregnancy, sports injuries, extremity correction as well as treating the organs, using CMRT (Chiropractic Manipulative Reflex Technique).

    Most important, however, are your chiropractors’ specialised skills as a craniopath which are unique to the Hillingdon area. This is particularly relevant when dealing with pelvic/lumbar problems but also with other complaints such as headaches and neck pain.

  • Not at all. However, if you come to us in pain already some of the ‘provoking’ tests we use may be mildly uncomfortable at the time. Manipulation itself does not hurt. We modify our techniques when treating children.

  • Just an open mind and a positive attitude to recovery. Also ideally avoid tight fitting clothing such as jeans and remove jewellery and watches in the waiting room.

  • There are full address details and a map link on our contact page.

  • Absolutely. We have close relationships with local GPs and also a specialist dentist to whom we refer for problems of occlusion (bite). Any condition which is considered to be outside our remit will be referred on to a suitable healthcare professional.

  • Not unless your insurance company requires it. Just call us if you wish to proceed without insurance.

  • It’s unlikely, but occasionally when we need to see imaging we will refer you to the local hospital or send you via your GP. If you already have previous X-rays or MRIs please bring them with you plus any written reports.

Meet Your Chiropractor

Steve Jones is the Chirpractor at The Blossom Tree Clinic, Pinner

Steve Jones

Mr Steve Jones graduated from The Anglo-European College of Chiropractic in 1994 after nine years service in The Army Medical Corp, where he worked as a Combat Medical Technician. He studied SOT (Sacro-Occipital Technique) extensively culminating in the SOT Advanced qualification and latterly the Board Certified Craniopath qualification.

For the last seven years he has assisted with the SOT teaching programme for the benefit of other chiropractors wishing to share this technique of chiropractic. His clinical interests lie with treatment for pregnant mothers and children, who respond well to the gentle techniques employed in SOT and craniopathy. In addition he treats the usual complaints of back pain, arthritis and sports related conditions and has even treated several olympic athletes, including gold medalist Kadeena Cox.

At 'Steve Jones Chiropractic’ all patients are treated with diligence and care with emphasis being placed on thorough treatment that incorporates whole body analysis of the spine, pelvis, cranium and organ function. No stone is left unturned at providing an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan which forms the basis of this patent centred approach.

“I first went to Steve about 6 years ago and have been a regular customer ever since. Always a really professional and courteous experience and his expertise has kept me healthy ever since. Would highly recommend Steve!”

- MK